Friday, February 5, 2016

Independent Component 1

  •  “I,          Nicole Giannini       , affirm that I completed my independent component which represents   34.5 hours of work.”

    During the process of my independent component I learned a lot of new information. I learned about different laws and policies that i didn't even know about before hand. My component 1 ties into my EQ and answer one because I had to read through and comb over so many cases that had over seventy different penal codes. A lot of penal codes repeated and I didn't have to look them up because I started to remember them. If you read over the same type of information several times it starts to stick. I also learned about this family automobile insurance policy, where anyone can drive the car and not have insurance of their own but if they're under the policy and get in an accident they will be covered. Anyone not under the policy and/or not a relative could have to pay out of pocket or depending on how serious, be charged with a crime. I understand not only how law works but different types not just criminal law. Having to summarize and pick apart all these documents and cases took a long time but it was really rewarding in the end. 

            All the sources I used below helped me to go into depth of my explanation of the cases. I would come across penal codes or policies that I did not know. So I basically looked it up to in all honesty, know what these cases were talking about. I also learned about different types of liability coverage and the policies you can obtain. A couple of the cases I had, had to do with liability coverage in car accidents. This all helped me further my knowledge into my topic and even though it was very time consuming I enjoyed it. 

My Sources


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