Thursday, October 8, 2015

Blog 8: Independent Component 1 Proposal

         (Senior Year Guys, get it together)

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
For my first independent component I plan on using the 3 Little Pigs Court case trial that we did in class as a part of it. This is just a small part of it and I am going to build off of it. Since I was the prosecutor in the trial and that is my senior topic, I am going to use the hours from the case that I participated in. Also I did research before the trial, which will go towards my component. Lastly, I am going to talk to my my cousin who is a teacher and see if she will allow me to do the case in her classroom and see if there is the same outcome with the jury and the trial. It will be with elementary children, so I will also put work into writing a script for them to follow during the trial. I think this is going to work really well and I'm very excited for it.

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

To show evidence of my independent component, I will log the hours that we spent on the court case and show some of the documents we had during the trial. Since I knew I wanted to use the 3 little pigs trial as a part of my independent component I logged the hours I spent on research which was minimal. For the recreation of the trial in an elementary school setting I will provide the script that I will draft, pictures of them doing the trial in class, logging the hours, and writing a statement of the outcome of the case.

3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
To do more research, write the script and to recreate the trial in a classroom will allow me to overview the trial instead of being apart of it. It will help me understand how both the prosecution and the defense works. Doing a mock trial is good practice not only for me as an aspiring lawyer but good for the children to learn how a trial works and better their understanding on law. And if one of them wants to become a lawyer after the trial is over that would be awesome. It will give me a chance to write the script from a lawyers perspective and really dive in to the trial and ways to help both the prosecution and the defense. I will be allowed to see how they work with the case and make it fun for themselves and see it the outcome is the same as ours.

4.  Update your Senior Project Hours log.
    • Done!

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